a little bit about us ...

Founded in October of 2020, designedbyDucky is a luxury streetwear brand that prides itself on quality above all else. It's about more than just the hoodie or t-shirt you pick out as every purchase is an experience like no other that differs from one collection to the next. Plus, who doesn't like ducks?


While we could go on and on about how great our brand is, we would rather you see for yourself. Do be careful not to get lost in The Pond as it is quite dark, but that's the point.

Unleash Your Inner Duckaholic

  • Duck Jokes


    Where did the duck go when he hurt his back?

    The chiro-quacktor.


    Why did the duck get arrested?

    For selling quack.


    What do they say about French ducks?

    They have a certain je ne sais quack about them.


  • Duck Facts


    We can change gender


    We can sleep with one eye open


    We turn white with age


    We don't get cold feet, literally


    We have waterproof feathers


  • Tongue Tribute

    Tongue Tribute

    Actually Ducky

    Considering this is the introduction of Ducky's Diaries to the blog, let's revisit real quick. This is a concept where memories/experiences are conveyed through designs that well, some of us...

    Tongue Tribute

    Actually Ducky

    Considering this is the introduction of Ducky's Diaries to the blog, let's revisit real quick. This is a concept where memories/experiences are conveyed through designs that well, some of us...

  • Blissful Blackout

    Blissful Blackout

    Actually Ducky

    I'm not talking rolling at the club for 4 hours and then smashing Mac after; I'm talking a distortion from reality that can be fun (or not) that makes you...

    Blissful Blackout

    Actually Ducky

    I'm not talking rolling at the club for 4 hours and then smashing Mac after; I'm talking a distortion from reality that can be fun (or not) that makes you...

  • Duckarter IV

    Duckarter IV

    Actually Ducky

    since I was going through middle school when he was in his prime as the rap game evolved at the end of his double cup (get it?)

    Duckarter IV

    Actually Ducky

    since I was going through middle school when he was in his prime as the rap game evolved at the end of his double cup (get it?)

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